Damage to tangible assets: Losses for damages suffered in tangible assets.
Loss of potential earnings / profit loss: Loss of legitimate profit or an economic unit as a result of an accident or other event.
Business and industrial facilities: In the area of industrial valuations, we assess industrial units, facilities, machinery and other equipment, tools, equipment and furniture..
For defense / errors in new building and civil works: In this case, an expert opinion by a specialist will be used where appropriate. To address a construction problem we must establish causes and identify responsibilities..
Technical inspection of buildings: The ITE is a type of legal preventive maintenance, by which buildings are periodically subjected to a revision of a number of elements affecting the safety of the building and of the people who inhabit it. The ITE is regulated by the 08/2013 of 26 June Act and by the various municipal ordinances that determine the conditions for inspections.
Valuations of movable and immovable property: As a basis for partitions, balances, etc.

Avd. Alcalde José Ramírez Bethencourt 23, entresuelo
35004 Las Palmas de G.C.
Tel: 928 244 511 o 616 943 463
Fax: 928 243 966